Enter hours

Enter hours worked

SwissWorkTime simplifies entering work times for your employees through a user-friendly and intuitive interface:

Your employees can easily:

  • • enter their hours worked directly in the application, by time slots or for a whole day,
  • record hours worked, related or not to work sites/projects, with the facility to break them down by task,
  • enter time absent and expenses,
  • add comments, either written or oral, and attach photos, such as meal invoices, medical certificates, or images showing the condition of the work site before and after the work.

With SwissWorkTime, entering work times becomes a smooth and efficient process, allowing detailed information and visual supports to be added, for complete and seamless management.

To find out more about our clocking tools: clocks, QR code or NFT card.

List of reasons for absence<br />
work time sheet<br />

Try the application for free for 1 month

SwissWorkTime 5 Fr. per employee per month and 1 month free to try the application